Monday, May 4, 2015

Tea Cup Crushes

For those who follow me on my instagram, you'll know how utterly obsessed I am with tea. For those of you who don't, I'm utterly obsessed with tea, I have a certificate of tea appreciation and everything. I hold a firm belief that a cup of the right tea can fix just about anything. Whether it's herbal (I know, I know, they're not teas, they're tisanes) or some good old Oolong, armed with a packet of loose leaf and a strainer I feel I can take on anything the world throws at me. I have an ever growing collection of tea wear but no sooner do I buy one tea cup I find another I absolutely must have so here's my current tea cup/mug wishlist in hopes of keeping my impulse buying to a minimum.

 You Aren't A Waste Of Space - The Quirky Cup Collective

Everyday I like to thank the gods of instagram for allowing me to discover this amazing artist and the amazing tea cups they create. I am also crazy happy that this is an Australian business and so can get my paws on these creations super easy. This sweet little mug is one of my favourites on the website, though sadly sold out. I love the message on it and think it would be a great start to the day with a cup of english breakfast or earl grey. Go check out Quirky Cups bigcartel here!

Marie Loves Shoes - T2 Teas

Marie Loves is a newer collection from T2, inspired by Marie Antoinette. And they have done a marvellous job of it if I do say so myself. I am such a sucker for many of T2's tea ware collections and while I don't love shoes myself (though they are sadly necessary) this tea cup is on the top of my list to buy when I have money (which will probably be never because it all goes on books these days)

Black Crescent Moon Mug - Small Spells

You all already know I like my witchy things, so you can imagine my excitement when I first came across this mug. I can imagine meditating on my tarot cards, cosy and warm with wisps of incense floating around and brewing up all my favourite blends in this mug. Now that's my idea of relaxation. Available at Small Spells or where I first came across it at Mr Kitly  

Colclough Vintage Trio - High Tea with Harriet 

I've never had a vintage tea cup and I've never really been interested in them but I find myself being drawn to a few on my regular window shopping visits to the High Tea with Harriet website which is one of my all time favourite places to get tea from (do give them a try!) I think this little trio is so sweet and it would make a lovely addition to afternoon tea.

What's on your tea cup wishlist currently?

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