Favourite Lingerie Brands of 2013

2013 was my first year of lingerie blogging and I think it's safe to say I discovered hundreds of new brands, some of which I loved and some which I hated. The style of lingerie I love tends to lean on the more elegant side and is often simple and quite minimalistic, so the brands I mention in this post may be quite similar in those aspects. Without further ado here are the brands which I fawned over most in 2013:

Fauve is by far my favourite full bust brand. They're designed and produced by Eveden Limited alongside Freya, Goddess, Elomi and Fantasie. The first correctly fitting bra I bought was the Evangeline Half Cup by Fauve and it remains my most loved bra to this day. I find their bras to be close to a perfect fit on me, my only issue being that the band seems to run a little loose, but this is also the case with my Freya bras and may just be something that runs in the Eveden brands. Fauve is a brand I wish I could have more of but most of the time it doesn't fit into my budget so I make do with admiring their bras in changing room mirrors.

Nearer The Moon
Nearer the Moon was one of the first brands I came across while browsing Etsy and it has remained a favourite since. While I'm not overwhelmed by everything the brand releases, there are a few items which I have a real hankering for. Something that really stands out about Nearer The Moon is that it's unique, more so than many independent brands and it encompasses a large range of lingerie styles whilst still remaining consistent with the brand image throughout their collections.

Hopeless seems to have become one of the top independent brands amongst lingerie bloggers in the last few years. The brand is made in Melbourne, Australia by Gabrielle Adamidis.- which thrills me to no end as Melbourne happens to be where I reside - and brings a breath of fresh air to the lingerie industry. The design of each garment is - or rather appears to be - relatively simple but every piece has something about it which really makes it stand out from the crowd. Something that is definitely hard to achieve with so many designs being overdone by other companies.

Sacha Kimmes
Sacha Kimmes is a brand I very much stumbled over. Browsing tumblr one day I came across a photograph which was amazing in itself, but the subject of it was the most lovely high-waisted sheer knickers I had seen in my life. I assumed I would never be able to find them as I never would have guessed that it was a photo from an actual brand that I was looking at, and as of course with tumblr there's rarely ever a source on items. I decided to do a reverse search of the image and was lead to Sacha Kimmes from there and it has remained one of my favourite brands since. It's easy to see why I love Sacha Kimmes lingerie so much, it combines all of the things I most adore in lingerie: high waisted knickers, ouvert backs, sheer fabrics in the lovely shade of black, ribbons and bows. It's a brand that sends my heart a-flutter.

Kiss Me Deadly
I don't know what else to say except this brand is ridiculously amazing. Kiss Me Deadly continuously release gorgeous pieces of lingerie, which are good quality for a reasonable price and if that doesn't sound good I don't know what does. I wish they were a big enough brand to expand their bra sizes as it broke my heart when I had to put my Blue DeVille bra to rest and move to properly fitting bras - I still take it out of the drawer and just stare at it longingly sometimes - but all the same I'm quite content with owning a large proportion of their knicker styles and now have the cherie teddy, which compensates for no longer being able to wear the DeVille. Kiss Me Deadly is a brand I would highly recommend to anyone that likes their designs.


  1. Interesting never heard of Sacha Kimmes before. Have to check them out. Thanks Kittie!
